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Teori Kepemimpinan

Sosok visioner yang sekarang ini yang akhir-akhir ini dijadikan keyword menimbulkan banyak pertanyaan, sehingga tidak heran benarkan dia menyandang gelar sebagai seorang yang berjiwa visioner??? atau kah visioner itu hanya menjadi targetan untuk keyword..anda pasti tahu jawabanya, namun terlepas dari itu semua mari kita coba mengenal sosok yang bernama Rusli Zainal ini sehingga akhirnya mengadakan kontes Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner tersebut dan siapakah orang ini?? Rusli Zainal adalah sosok seorang gubernur di propinsi Riau yang akhir-akhir ini di lekat kan dengan sang visioner dengan mengadakan kontes seo tersebut, apakah memang benar seorang pemimpin ini sudah berjiwa visioner??? sebelum itu semua mari kita melihat ciri-ciri seorang yang bisa dikatakan visioner seperti yang saya kutip dari berbagai sumber antar lain:

Beberapa teori dan konsep kepemimpinan makna dan hakekat kepemimpinan antara lain:
1. Paul Hersey dan kennet H. Blancchard (1982) : pemimpin adalah orang yang dapat mempengaruhi kegiatan individu atau kelompok dalam usaha untuk mencapai tujuan dalam situasi tertentu.
2. Martin J. Gannon (1982) : pemimpin adalah seorang atasan yang mempengaruhi perilaku bawahanya.
3. R. D. Agarwal (19982) : kepemimpinan adalah seni mempengaruhi orang lain untuk menggerakan kemampuan mereka, kemauan mereka dalam usaha untuk mencapai tujuan pemimpin.
4. George R. Terry : kepemimpinan adalah proses mempengaruhi individu atau kelompok untuk menentukan tujuan dan sekaligus mencapai tujuan tersebut. 5. Kartini kartono (1985) : pemimpin adalah pribadi yang mempunyai kecakapan khusus, dengan atau tanpa pengangkatan resmi dapat kelompok yang dipimpinnya untuk melakukan usaha bersama mengarah pada pencapaian sasaran tertentu.
Ada beberapa teori Kepemimpinan : a. Teori Sifat (Trait Theory) Analisis ilmiah tentang kepemimpinan dimulai dengan memusatkan perhatiannya pada pemimpin itu sendiri. Pertanyaan penting yang dicoba dijawab oleh pendekatan teoritis, ialah apakah sifat-sifat yang membuat seseorang itu disebut sebagai pemimpin. Teori “great man” arti lebih realistis terhadap pendekatan sifat dari pemimpin, setelah mendapat pengaruh dari aliran perilaku pemikir psikologi. Menyadari hal seperti ini, bahwa tidak ada korelasi sebab akibat antara sifat dan keberhasilan manajer, maka Keith Davis merumuskan empat sifat umum yang tampaknya mempunyai pengaruh terhadap keberhasilan kepemimpinan organisasi :
1) Kecerdasan. Hasil penelitian pada umumnya membuktikan bahwa pemimpin mempunyai tingkat kecerdasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang dipimpin. Namun demikian yang sangat menarik dari penelitian tersebut ialah pemimpin tidak bisa melampaui terlalu banyak dari kecerdasan pengikutnya.
2) Kedewasaan dan keluasan hubungan sosial. Pemimpin cenderung menjadi matang dan mempunyai emosi yang stabil, karena mempunyai perhatian yang luas terhadap aktivitas-aktivitas sosial. Dia mempunyai keinginan menghargai dan dihargai.
3) Motivasi diri dan dorongan berprestasi. Para pemimpin secara relatif mempunyai dorongan motivasi yang kuat untuk berprestasi. Mereka bekerja berusaha mendapatkan penghargaan yang intrinsik dibandingkan dari yang ekstrinsik.
4) Sikap-sikap hubungan kemanusiaan. Pemimpin-pemimpin yang berhasil mau mengakui harga diri dan kehormatan para pengikutnya dan mampu berpihak kepadanya.
melihat ini semua bagaimana tanggapan anda tentang Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner???

Mbojo: Economic structure of Bima Regency

The definition of the economic structure is the composition of the role of each sector in the economy according to the division of business and employment sector to sector in the primary, secondary and tertiary. When the structure such as a shift from primary to secondary or tertiary, then the conclusion can be drawn that while there has been the utilization of natural resources by utilizing technology and knowledge is better, so that the value added increase. Thus, economic development occurred in the conditions that lead to better and more modern because there's been the Technology and knowledge therein. The impact will increase the added value due to changes in product form (form utility) in the form of raw material to be half-finished goods or finished. In general the structure of the economy is still dominated Bima Regency primary sector at around 55% more, while the role of secondary and tertiary sector is still low in the establishment of Gross Regional Domestic Product. There are several factors that determine the occurrence of changes in economic structure, including:

- Productivity of labor per sector as a whole
- The modernization process in the increased value of raw materials, half-finished goods and finished.
- Creativity and the application of the technology with the ability to expand market products / services that
- government policies that encourage growth and development sectors excellent - Availability of infrastructure that determines the distribution of smooth flow of goods and services, and support the production process.
- enthusiasm for the community and investing in on going
- There is a major new growth that appears in the region
- The openness of trade outside the region and abroad through the export-import structure of the economy is a big share of the total field of business both on the basis of the GDP price applicable and constant prices.

By knowing the structure of the economy, then we can assess the concentration of the business field which is very dominant in a region. Usually there is a relationship between employment and business people of the region. According to the Lewis theory, the economy must have a local structural transformation from traditional to the industry, which is shown with the amount of the contribution of non-agricultural sectors from time to time to the total GDP. By using the GDP ADHK structural changes have occurred from the primary sector to tertiary sector during this period, visible growth of the total share of 0.7% in the tertiary sector and minus 8.21% in the primary sector and grew 4.51% in the sector secondary. Increasing the contribution of secondary and tertiary sectors are donate together by the primary sector. However, when the note carefully, seems to share changes is still very small and can be suspected of not meaningful statistically. However, the above description of the data shows that people Bima more inclined to diverts business or employment from agriculture to industry or services sector. This is because the business can trade, transportation, or to employees in the private sector and government is far more promising than the welfare of the secondary sector and agriculture. By using the GDP ADHB has been a structural change from the primary sector to tertiary sector during this period, visible growth of the total share of 0.89% in the tertiary sector and minus 0.68% in the primary sector and grew 0.73% in the sector secondary. Increasing the contribution of secondary and tertiary sectors are disumbang together by the primary sector. However, when the note carefully, seems to share changes is still very small and can be suspected of not meaningful statistically. Changes in economic structure of a region usually occurs slowly, except an incident occurs outside the normal economy, such as pushing or turning off a sector of large-scale. Until 2005, the economic structure changes that occur Bima regency means less (insignificant). Shift that occurred can not alter the composition of the dominant sectors such as agriculture, the trade sector, hotels and restaurants, and services. Changes in economic structure of a region usually occurs slowly, except an incident occurs outside the normal economy, such as pushing or turning off a sector of large-scale.

When we consider carefully the table 1 and 2 show that there are no real changes struktur economic means, unless the tertiary sector. This concern is a primary growth sector during the five-year average of 9.8%, while the secondary sector grew 11.4% and tertiary sector of 11.56%. In relation to the structural transformation, some of which require attention are: First, the increase in real share in the primary sector can be understood only when followed by the increase in the produktivitas bring a positive impact on average wages, especially in the agricultural sector. Second, efforts need to increase added value in the secondary sector, industry, particularly small scale industry and medium built with a base of agriculture. This means that the industry would be developed and should be encouraged to absorb the results of the agricultural sector. This fact can not be denied because the agricultural base is the "breath" of socio-economic life of the community Kabupaten Bima. Third, in connection with the tertiary sector, the development of the trade sector should continue to be developed in order to expand market in the primary and secondary sectors, including the trade of export (out of the regions and overseas). While the development of the sector hotels, restaurants must be combined with the development of tourism sector to the industry and supporting tourism, such as: transportation, communication, entertainment and services souvenier.

Mbojo: Tourism industry is directed to Economic Improvement

Tourism industry must be one of the sectors that drive the regional economy chain. This chain will be interconnected with other sectors, so that a service industry that contribute to important progress in the regional economy. It was disclosed Kabag Public Relations and Protocol Setda District, Abdul Wahab, SH. In addition, contributing significantly to the increase in economic welfare in the community or around the area of tourism. Disclosed, the development of tourism requires that the role and contribution of all parties, local government, private, and community. "Each party has the role and contribution of the position and capacity," said Wahab Pemkab Bima in the office, Friday (13 / 2).
He said, the Government of Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bima, the future will concentrate as a facilitator and regulator, the private sector will act as the spearhead of development and directly related to products and markets. Community capacity will be developed, so it can act as a beneficiary and which encourage the active development of tourism success. "Wheel economic life of coastal communities around the location of tourism will be driven," he said.
Now, local governments continue to develop the tourism potential, both natural attractions and cultural tourism. Disclosed until the year 2007 there are 45 units of tourism object in Kabupaten Bima developed. Through the Office of Culture and Tourism (Budpar) now hold the government to promote national level through Pagelaran culture. Among others, Culture Appreciation Week (PAB), Islamic Art Festival which was followed by the country-the Middle East countries, and a routine in TMII done by the Sub-Department of Culture Budpar Kabupaten Bima.
Say, the brisk, each year the number of domestic tourist visits increased significantly. As well as foreign tourists visit. Until the year 2008, domestic tourist visits reached 9770 people, while foreign tourists reached 3424 people.
Therefore, Wahab said, the government endeavored to promote local tourism industry through various program activities. In the future, it is expected that typical Bima souvenirs, such as cloth glove, snack, honey, or susu horse, the more diverse and increase interest in the tour.
"This is all done by local governments to improve community life. Let's continue to support the desire of local governments to develop tourism with considering the balance between economic, ecological, cultural and local communities, "he said.

Kalaki Beach

Kalaki Beach was the place to remove the cattle and waste disposal, is now a major tourist dipermak very attractive. In the future, the location of the tour will be enhanced to bring benefits to the surrounding communities.
Head of Culture and Tourism Office (Disbudpar) Bima Regency, Drs Zaidun Abdul Hamid, BE, said that the facilities are still minimal, at this time Kalaki can attract tourists, even from Dompu. The government has set up funds to build a variety of other facilities, such as swimming pools, purchase of jet ski, and more.
Location, said Zaidun, later as a place not only bathing as a visitor for this, but the center of sports pool. Many of the efforts undertaken by the government will turn around the economy that is dependent on the farm and sea.
During this course, he said, has economic value can be enjoyed by people around. Panda not only people, but people Palibelo also splashed Rejeki. Because every person who came to the beach is most of the drop in to buy milk.
"Sustainable tourism is not motorcycles dream, but reality will be realized that," said Zaidun via telephone lines, Sunday (17/11).
He urges people not to throw around carelessly waste in these locations. In addition to the sights, but also because the country roads. He appreciation of the employers who have invested in the provision of facilities and infrastructure that support the tourism object.
At this time, he said, the owner of capital to infuse provide sahan means that. Previously, only the fishing boat Rejeki paw around it, followed by canoeing. Now the jet ski had there. "Living the government will add more facilities just that. He saw the facilities still have less visitors than the existing. To get the deal should wait for hours," he said.
Recognized, the development of tourism if the object is not supported by businessmen who want to speculate, the development will be slow. For that, he urges that the owners race to develop the capital where the tour. "Berjulan not necessarily be in the market, which can," he said.

Bima city and the city's light shines

Currently, the City of Bima brighter than usual. Street lights and decorative lights are placed on almost all public places starting point. Head of (Kabid) The Office of Public Hygiene Road, gardening, and Funeral (DKPP) Kota Bima, Plasidus Kadju, SSos, to a number of journalists, on Tuesday (28 / 4), describes with a budget of Rp300 million, will be able to care for lamp the tub has been installed at this time. "The night we will be like the day, every corner of the city must be very clear," said Plasidus in Taman Ria.

Were presented, until there are 1196 street lights that have been installed along the main road on the Bima City since the last three months. This is the effort to achieve the award Adipura. Kota Bima optimistic he can reach that expectation, "Almost there is no more a dark place," he said.

He said, 90 percent of the lamp has been installed, particularly on the 18 point as the general Ama Hami, Serasuba field, Duta Ban fork, fork Melake field to Kodo.
Also disclosed, which is the point to be developed is konsetrasi Taman Ria area, field and field Serasuba Heroes. "We will make the place as the three icons of Bima," he said.

Exposition fuselage Aircraft Air France plane in the Atlantic Ocean

An airplane seat, impressions spillage of fuel, aircraft and white strip extends along the 3 miles in the Atlantic Ocean, 400 miles northeast of Fernando De Noronha, offshore islands of Brazil. Rubble-ruins that have been ascertained as the Air France plane that carry 228 people and lost on Sunday (31 / 5) or the local time Monday at WIT in the trip from Rio de Janeiro to Paris.

"I ensure that the debris-debris in the 5-kilometer expanse that comes from the Air France plane," said Brazilian Defense Minister Nelson Jobim in Rio in pers information. Nelson Jobim explain, there is no sign of life from the accident location.

"We continue to struggle in the middle of the weather conditions are not in the zone with the depth of 7000 meters (to find victims of Air France)," said French Prime Minister Francois Fillon to parliament in Paris, Tuesday. Brazilian military pilot first to find debris-debris plane with flight number 447 that float in two separate areas about 60 kilometers. Area not far from the flight route is Air France crash. The cause of the accident aircraft would not be known until the plane black box found in the estimated time a few days or weeks.

North Bali Airport Not Built In Time Close

Minister of Transportation, Jusman Djamal S, affirming, for the near future this area of North Bali akan not get a new airport because the direction of development policy and national transportation sector domestic Bali not to get there. "Development in North Bali was included in our development priorities, especially for the province of Bali. But here, along the flow of air traffic and passengers and goods at the Ngurah Rai Airport is not yet saturated, then we will still use this international airport," he told ANTARA, the International Airport Ngurah Rai, Bali, on Wednesday.

Djamal is in Bali to inaugurate the government's commitment to building facilities and developing domestic airports in the area of the Eastern Indonesia.

In addition, he also inaugurate the statue of National Hero brigadier general TNI (posthumous) I Gusti Ngurah Rai, the name and identity sosoknya used to the international airport.

In the present opportunity, widow Ngurah Rai, wedged Putu Kori (97 years), Panglima Komando Military Region IX / Udayana, Major General TNI Hotmangaradja Pandjaitan, Chairman of the DPRD Bali, IB Putu Wisnawa, President Director of PT Angkasa Pura I, Bambang Darwoto, and several other invitations.

Djamal said, "Throughout the international airport has not yet reached saturation point land and air activities, so as long as it also will not be developed. Ngurah Rai Airport, including the most rapid growth, about 20 percent year."

In peak condition, Ngurah Rai Airport should serve about 160 aircraft movements per day, both domestic flights, international flights or charter, fixed winged aircraft or winged play. In a day, operasionalsasi airport that begins at 05.00 WITA and the last at 02.00 WITA on the following day.

Measured by the number of services that are transported, domestic terminal is designed to be able to serve 1.5 million people year and the international terminal to 7.4 million people year. In development, the increased number of services in the domestic terminal is experiencing rapid growth, up to about 20 percentyear; especially in the post global economic crisis.

"Another problem is the air space management Bali must be synchronized with the air space region if the new airport was built in North Bali," he said.

Since some time the government and the people of Bali want domestic equity to the development of tourism. During this area of Southern Bali siphon most of the visits of tourists in and outside the country, with the following result as "imbalance" income native regions.

Badung district as a district that has at most tourist area in Bali, clear benefits from the sustainability of tourism industry in Bali. Moreover, the International Airport Ngurah Rai is in the administrative region in the Badung Regency.

Karangasem Regency, Regency of Bangli, Buleleng Regency, and, in a relatively Bali North, less likely to receive the visits of tourists because of access to land transportation to get there takes long hours, with a different area of tourism in South Bali, which is relatively shorter of the time.

Bronzed Age by Make Up Store

Summer this year, bronze color (bronze) colorific gait cosmetology, and lover of fashion, from handbags, accessories, cosmetology, to skin color. Colors mixed golden brown, like bronze, will be the next big thing. Want to come? Try a series of collections of cosmetology output Make Up Store, Bronzed Age.

Make Up Store, the brand cosmetics origin Stockholm, Sweden, Mika Liias since a decade ago has entered the market in Indonesia since 1.5 years ago. To strengthen the presence in Indonesia, the Make Up Store works with the school mode La Salle College class for its artistic makeup. This cooperation was announced at the event The New-Age Bronzed Making Up Your Fantasy, an event which ranged around makeup. Competition among cosmetology group followed 25 high school students from several big cities in Indonesia, demo makeup, makeup and show held at the Pacific Place Mall, Saturday (30 / 5) ago.

In the event, Make Up Store introduces a series of collections of the newest creations titled Bronzed. Bronzed trend is summer this year. This makeup collection is made exclusively to make the skin look more shining, glowing, and shimmery. Skin will look darker. "Bronze is a global trend in summer this year, gave the impression that summer tan skin, such as women who sunbathe on the beach exhausted. Sensual and exotic, "said Ingga Gloriana, Brand Manager Make Up Store India on the sidelines of the event.

Are presented with the view that this is a collection Bronzed makeup face sensual mix colors of bronze, copper, and golden. For this collection, Make Up Store products Luminous sponsor bronzer. This product is a makeup brush and a base that is made for easy and concise. This product is used as the base powder, brush-shaped, in which there is a bronze-colored creamy foundation. It is easy to directly applied on the face and body. Soft texture make pengaplikasian also difficult not to be.

You may wonder, can women's leather wear collection Asia bronze such as this? Ingga Gloriana explains, precisely because of the Asian brown skin or more often called Sawo mature, the color will be more visible and out shining. Each collection of colors that are used Make Up Store has a fine pigment, so that safe and removing the color.

Ingga also explains, trappings this color can be used day and night, depending on the other trappings. For example, for the day wearing bronzer on the face and sapukan cheerful colors and light in the eye, such as green or violet. Meanwhile, for the night, select the trappings of a more dark and shimmer on the lips. To accompany the cosmetology bronzed face, the Make Up Store offers cheerful colors and the young, such as green, purple, and golden eye on the trappings. To improve the trappings, use lipstick and lipgloss colored pale pink, orange, apricot, and beige.

Collection bronzed from Make Up Store is made up of:
Eyeshadow (color Cybershadow, After Beach, Holiday, Moss, Scale, and Silk) Rp 182,000, Gloss Lips Posh Rp 188,000, lipstick Glimmer Rp 199,000 and Rp 675,000 Luminous bronzer. All these products can be found at the Make-Up Store is located in Plaza Indonesia, floor 1, or M in at Pacific Place.

When you purchase products worth Rp 600,000, -, Make Up Store will provide consultation on how to use the products and tips to dress up their clients.

Tukang Nggame Contest end moments again

without feeling the contest Tukang Nggame which began on 21 February will end in a matter of days. is a long enough time to do the optimization in the words of the race tukang nggame but with a long time to bring this fact does not change in the blog that I Include in this visible to this day my blog is still in order so. In fact a long time to optimize my blog did not make significantly more, because I really do not understand how so I create a blog that can occupy the position in want.

Seo contest of Tukang Nggame This adds more insight about how to improve my ranking and blog after seeing how the friends that others do keyword optimization Tukang NGGAME and one thing that I take in the wisdom that we must follow the contest Inten optimization to make it through the post in the blog that participate in the contest, or through linkback from another blog.
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