Who does not know Steve Jobs, Apple leader who can change the music industry, creating the best and make smartphon Pixar became the largest computer animation companies. This success is worth the gifts given by the Fortune magazine recently. Jobs Fortune crowned as the best corporate leaders in the last 10 years. The reason for Jobs are able to lead four different types of industries, computers, music, movies and mobile phones, which previously was not known. "Industry calls for people who are born as 'sellers', or a magician who can make your imagination into reality. A ruler who is a perfectionist. It is of course in accordance with reality, a description that really intended for a legendary name," Fortune said as quoted by the Big News Network, Friday (6/11/2009).
In the report, Jobs compared to Henry Ford, Juan Trippe and PanAm owner Conrad Hilton. According to Fortune, Jobs has managed to integrate and change the music industry, film and mobile phone, and make Apple as a company that deserves to be taken into account in the last 10 years. Prior to confer degrees, Fortune has watched Jobs's performance during the last 12 years, since 1997, when he had traveled and left that company. Before reaching for success, Jobs took many years to introduce new strategies in the digital world. even though he has introduced a digital business strategy through the revolutionary findings and iTunes music player iPod in 2000, still he must face the threat of bankruptcy. But now, Apple has had 34,000 employees at a price of USD170 billion worth of the company. Estimated amount of savings have now reached USD34 billion.
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